Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Seasons of Love

For the release of my anthology, Seasons of Love, you can win not one, but TWELVE hot men! Answer a question from each of the four excerpts of Seasons of Love to enter a drawing for a 2006 calendar of hot hunks; your choice at http://www.calendars.com

Type in ‘Male Models’ and you’ll come up with firemen, cowboys, Chippendales, guys next door and cover boys. All specimens of chiseled perfection! Story excerpts containing the answers are at my web site http://bonniedee.com on the Seasons of Love page.

Here’s the list of questions (click on individual story title AT MY WEB SITE NOT HERE for excerpt):
Maypole Dance: What is the clearing in the woods carpeted with?
Amish Paradise: What color are Joe’s eyes?
Crisp Apples: What kind of tree is outside Kate’s shop window?
A Lily for Christmas: How did Lily’s dad die?

Email your answers to bondav40@yahoo.com to be entered in the drawing. I’ll choose a winner next Friday, March 17, giving everyone plenty of time.

For the blog today, I’ve decided not to post excerpts, but PLEASE go to my web site and read them. This book is the child of my heart, my favorite baby and I want everyone to enjoy it as much as I’ve loved writing it. Seriously, it’s some of the best work I’ve done.

Instead of excerpts, I’m posing a question. What’s your favorite season? Tell me your favorite season and why you love it. Winner of a download of Seasons of Love will be chosen from among all who respond here today.

Is there anything sweeter than the fresh, unfurling green shoots of spring, harbingers of new life and hope? Experience the wonder of a primal sexual experience with the young virgin in “Maypole Dance.”

Do you prefer summer sun seeping into your pores, setting you aglow? Salty, sweaty summertime sex is only a small portion of what the culture-crossed lovers in “Amish Paradise” experience together.

My personal favorite is the mingled energy and melancholy of fall. “Crisp Apples” evokes the tang of wood smoke, a sharp breeze and harsh blue sky of an autumn day. The heroine learns to let past hurts blow away and turns her face toward the future.

Winter is quiet and reserved, contemplative and austere as a monk. The world appears dead but is merely gathering forces for a new burst of life in spring. In “A Lily for Christmas” a woman brings that renewed life to a battle-scarred soldier.

Thanks for your time and attention, gang.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fall is my favorite season. It is a relief from mosquitoes and the the sticky discomfort of summer. The leaves turn from their peaceful green to showey yellows, orange, and reds in a beautiful display before the trees' winter sleep. This is the time to cuddle into each other from the mild chill, but not cutting cold. And the first evening with crackling logs in the fireplace, a glass of wine in hand, and my beloved's kiss warms my soul.

Little Lamb Lost

10:37 AM  
Blogger robynl said...

I love Spring- the fresh morning air, the new shoots of grass and bulbs showing new life, a gentle breeze and the sunshine promising a glorious day.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to be a fall person until I developed fall allergies. Now, it's all about the spring, b/c I love to garden, and I can start the seedlings and daydream about how perfect (ha!) and weed-free (double ha!) my garden is going to be this year.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Morning Bonnie,

Congrats on the new release, doll. I love the cover and the idea of four books all rolled into one neat package.

I love all the seasons, each for it's own reason. Well mostly. I actually hate the last half of January, the second week of March and the second week of April - TAX SEASON, YUK!!

Have a great day, darlin, and wishing my much success!


12:29 PM  
Blogger Bonnie Dee said...

Ah, tax season. It makes a yucky time of year even worse.
I guess I have to admit there's a lot to love about springtime. I too used to imagine perfect, magazine-photo gardens when I planted in spring, but ended up with straggling disasters by mid-summer. Now I have wildflower mixes in a number of my beds and claim that the messy riot as intentional.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Y. said...

I love fall. The temps are just right. It is cool without being freezing. Spring brings storms, summer is too hot, and winter is too cold. Fall is just right!!! I also love watching the leaves change a multitude of colors as they fall from the leaves. It is so peaceful and calm.

1:04 PM  
Blogger Cynthya said...

I like spring, but autumn is my favorite. I HATE the hot weather so the cooler temperatures of autumn are a great relief and I seem to have a lot more energy in the fall. I love the wonderful fruits and vegetables that are available, too.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like autumn. Not too hot and not too cold! Love to see the changing colors that fall brings.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I love summer most of all. I like the freedom of movement fewer clothes affords me, and, best of all, gorgeous men in fewer clothes! When it's too hot, it's easy to cool down by jumping into a pool, ocean or even a cool shower. Of course, the shower can get pretty hot if you're not in there alone *wink*! Sunny days are my favorite. Plus, summer is the best time of year for ice cream and water ice.

3:50 PM  
Blogger jennyowl said...

My favourite season is fall when the leaves are transformed to red gold colors...just gorgeous.

7:54 PM  
Blogger Amie Stuart said...

SPRING SPRING SPRING!!!!!!! OMG I can stand on my back porch and soak up the sun and plant things and weed and watch things turn green.


8:13 PM  
Blogger Caffey said...

I really love the winters. Having always grown up around the snow, I always find it peaceful to look out and watch the snow, especially when its coming down in the evening. Too it makes it special around the holidays waking up and looking out and cuddling up with a book to read. I too loved being out in the snow as a child and too love the freshness, the cold air while walking in it. Lots will say that they wished winter would be over, but I wish for days it snows. I love the cold, I hate being hot and uncomfortable. So I find alot of beauty with winter.
Too I wanted to say that your anthology sounds beautiful and congrats Bonnie

12:16 AM  

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