Naughty Good Fun
Morning everyone! Sorry I'm a bit late, #1's stupid teacher decided to do a last-minute experiment with eggs and well, we don't eat eggs, so guess what I had to do this morning? Yeah, anyway.......
#2 came home with this homework assignment Monday night--nearly drove us nuts trying to finishing it and since it drove us nuts, I thought I'd use it to drive ya'll nuts! WAHOOOOOOO
Oh yeah, I guess ya'll want to know what the assignment was, huh? You have to take a letter of the alphabet and make a rhyme--better known as an alliteration (I think). Except of course in our case, I wanna see how wild, crazy and downright naughty you can get! In return, five people will win copies of Once in a Blue Moon or Dancehall Diaries: Lynette!
Here's an example: Pollie picked a pack of pink prophylactics
#2 came home with this homework assignment Monday night--nearly drove us nuts trying to finishing it and since it drove us nuts, I thought I'd use it to drive ya'll nuts! WAHOOOOOOO
Oh yeah, I guess ya'll want to know what the assignment was, huh? You have to take a letter of the alphabet and make a rhyme--better known as an alliteration (I think). Except of course in our case, I wanna see how wild, crazy and downright naughty you can get! In return, five people will win copies of Once in a Blue Moon or Dancehall Diaries: Lynette!
Here's an example: Pollie picked a pack of pink prophylactics
asinine assignments always astound adventurous authors!
Damnit Dennie Don't Doubt the Dreck was Dumb
oh you want sexy...
hot honeys harden horny hunks
Randy Ron romped while rutting roughly.
I probably suck at this but here goes:
Bonnie bought a bunch of bondage bracelets.
If you don't like that one there is always this one too:
Susan sucked Sam's succulent sausage. :-)
TA and Cherie those are GREAT!!!!!
Keep 'em Kumin Kids!
(I have a feeling we're all going to do a lot of groaning before the day is out--not that groaning is a bad thing).
Oh and TA congrats again on your sale!
Thanks Cece. I'm thrilled to join LSB as an author. (Darn it..that means I'm not eligible for your contest. :( )
Here's another one:
Crazy Connie chortled while climaxing.
brawny beautiful back
bare buttocks
brings blushing bliss
Little Lamb Lost
Naughty, hmmm?
Butt-plugged, beaded, bared, bondage-blind,
Buttered, basted and bound from behind...
I am SOOOOOO Gonna get in trouble for laughing at work!
TA even if you're not eligible you can still play! *giggles at chortles while climaxing*
ok must go work so I have funds to gloss over those glimmers of grey. =)
Luke Licked Lucy's Lusty Loins
I am not very good at this.
Great blog topic, Cece!
Winsome Wilma willingly whipped Willi's whacker.
lisa loves licking....lollipops!
Gotta if you were thinking dirty!
just jiggle john's jerky johnson
Not very good at this:
Nibbling nipples nor nuts not naughty
Rick rocked ready Rita relentlessly, ravenously renewing rejuvination ruthlessly
wooo hooo Lamb that was great!!!
Paige you've got a knack for it!
Damn Raine you even made yours RHYME! LOL
Tess' tits teased Toms' tallywhacker.
oh these are hilarious, I'm gonna try...
Paul's pecker postition putout plenty pulsing points.
*rolling* Ya'll are GOOD!!!!!!!
Why do all the good words start with P and C?
Zeke zipped Zara's Zygomatic arch with zesty, zizzling zemen.
Mark manipulated Moira's mound with mink mittens
Quinn quaked as Quince quickly quaffed, praying for a bit of quid pro quo
Rita resisted Ryan's restraints
Lon laved Linda's luscious lobes, loving licentious licks likening lusty labors.
ROFL, now...where the HELL is my husband??
;) Too funny!
Fireman Frank friskily fired his feisty hose in Franny's fanny!
OMG! I tried Cece!
I know, stay at my day job!
A huge thank you to everyone who came out and played! Ya'll were all fabulous! I'll be posting winners in a few minutes!
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