Monday, April 24, 2006

Call it Kismet

So, as you're reading this, there's a very good chance that I'm doing my final set of edits of my first book with Liquid Silver, Tempting Fate.

Tempting Fate is the story of Chloe Moirae, one of the three Fates.

So, I got to thinking about Fate.

Mythology has several theories about the origins of the Fates. They may be the daughters of a Titan, may be the daughters of Zeus, they may have come from other places. It's said that the Fates visit a newborn baby on the third day of their life and decide the course of their life.

Clotho spins the thread of live, Lachesis measures and Atropos cuts the thread.

Of course my Fates have kept up with the times, they invented a machine to do most of the work for them! They'd never have time for themselves if they had to keep up with the population.

So, lets talk about Fate. Do you believe in Fate? Destiny? Is your life preordained?

People have said to me, "oh, you were destined to become a writer, you were always telling stories as a kid." But is that really fate? Or is Fate, like hindsight, 20/20?

What about when it comes to love and romance? Are you and your loved one fated to be together? Do you think there's only one person out there for anyone? Is Fate something like love at first sight?

What do you think?


Blogger Dakota Cassidy said...

I believe everything happens for a reson, Emma. In fact, I think I'm the poster child for that particular statement. LOLLOL

Congrats on your coming release!

Dakota :)

12:53 PM  
Blogger Cole Reising said...

I'm not sure what I believe, Emma. Depends on the day and mood you catch me in.. *grin* So I guess that means I can go either way. In a story - I don't think it matters to me as then I take it as fiction and thus just enjoy it.


12:58 PM  
Blogger April said...

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5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question. Good book ;)

6:23 PM  
Blogger Caffey said...

First, Tempting Fate, sounds fab. I've been recently asking about books with mythology (Greek gods, etc). As for Fate, I don't know if I believe it, I think things in life happen and that some we have control over, others we don't. I always say to believe in yourself in all you do.

3:15 AM  

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