Monday, February 27, 2006

Bad Date #2

Okay, so we've heard some really bad dates from you guys. Have you ever had a date that you didn't know was a date?

Here's mine...

My first job in AZ was at Safeway, it's a grocery store, and I was a checker. One of my bosses, an Assistant Manager talked one day about wanting to go to the U2 concert coming up. I flipped! Not only had I never been to a real concert (Amy Grant one's at Six Flags didn't count), but I loved U2!

He said he would get me a ticket and I could pay him later. Cool, right? He suggested he pick me up, there was no reason for me to have to drive seperately. Great. I was going to see U2!

The day arrived and he showed up early, saying we were going to hang with some friends of his before the concert. Again, he was older than me and so were his friends so I had nothing in common with them and they were all couples and I still thought this was just me hitching a ride to a concert. The concert was great, except for him and his friends just sat there and watched. How do you sit at a U2 concert?

After the concert he drove me home, about an hour drive from the stadium where the concert was, and he talked about himself the entire time. (what is it with me an men who are in love with themselves?) It wasn't until he walked me to my door and tried to kiss me that I realized he thought we'd been on a date! I was quick enough to shift and he kissed my cheek, but it was a narrow miss.

I ended up going out with him one more time, mainly because I'd been so shocked and felt bad that he'd thought it was a date and I'd had no clue. But that too was a disaster, dinner with one sided conversation is just not my idea of fun. At dinner he asked for a third, I just didn't know how to say NO to the guy, he was pretty pathetic.

Now during this entire "dating" episode, my friendship with Mr. Burns was turning into a bit more, and he kept telling me to just tell the poor guy no, but I just didn't know how, besides, I had to work with him and he was a boss on top of that.

Well, the guy called to confirm the third date and I finally got the guts to say NO over the phone. I explained how Mr. Burns and I had started to become serious and were going to be exclusive to each other or some blather like that. He said he understood and thanked me for the two previous dates. (one that I hadn't known was one remember)

I was so thrilled at finally saying NO, I was literally jumping up and down I was so happy. I called Mr. Burns and told him and he just laughed at me and said it was about time. ;)

The sad thing about this story?! I can no longer listen to U2.
The good thing about the story?! Mr. Burns. :)

So, anymore bad dates? Any dates you didn't know about? Don't forget there's going to be a winner at the end of the day! And the prize is a little X-rated! :)

website. blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well there was the guy who agreed to meet me for a blind date.

"Yeah," he said, "I'll be the one in my high school jacket."

Jenna *blink, blink, blink* while thinking...aren't you out of high school like 10 years ago. "Oh, okay." Calls friend - you're coming with me.

He then proceeded to tell me about his ex-wife whom he hated and how he told his soon to be ex-in-laws to just walk in and help themselves to his furniture and belongings. THEN he proceeded to bash his ex all the while I stared at his high school letter jacket thinking "How oh how do these losers find me?"

Sweet. Needless to say I turned down date two. He might have told me about when he kicked a puppy or two.

6:30 PM  
Blogger robynl said...

I'm at this guys house for supper because we hung around together. All of a sudden he starts slamming cupboard doors and yelling at me "why did you go out with other guys and .... on and on. I'm thinking it's not like we're going 'out'-we're friends and like each other's company. Yikes!!! Give me a break.

6:48 PM  
Blogger jennyowl said...

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8:26 PM  
Blogger jennyowl said...

One day one of the guys from a group of friends with whom I regularly play badminton asked me out to a movie. We had known each other for quite a while and had gone on group movie dates, so I didn't think much of it.

I paid for my share for both the movie and dinner after that. When I got home, he called and asked me if we're going to continue from there. That was when I realised he thought it as a date. I told him I hadn't thought about us that way and would like to remain friends before taking things further. Well, soon after, he was dating another girl in our group. LOL

8:35 PM  
Blogger Caffey said...

Paige, having previously on the other topic, talked about that bad date, I didn't do much dating. I was one into my studies alot. But when I did meet Jim, he asked me out to the movies. Now remember I can't hear and he was hard of hearing. He took me to see Jumping Jack Flash. I remember when the lights went down in the theatre and really could sign in the dark so for me it was horribly 'quiet'. I um, fell asleep. LOL. He ended up waking me up. I slept like two hours of the movie, LOL. He married me anyways. So I was the bad date! LOL

9:21 PM  
Blogger Jaynie said...

I'm sorry hon but I still crack up at you calling your hubby Mr Burns - I've watched too much Simpsons not to have a picture in my head of your hubby *g*

9:42 PM  
Blogger Jeanette J said...

I feel so deprived..I have never had a bad date...just good dates that turned out to be bad relationships

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then there was the Canadian Tire guy. We met at Chapters, crossed the parking lot to the restaurant where we talked about crap so irrelevant I forgot it five minutes later.

Next romantic getaway on the schedule? Canadian Tire. He needed a ratchet set. He bought two.

I bought lightbulbs and went home since I lived two minutes away. "Where are you going?" He asked.


"Why? I thought that..."

"You have two ratchet sets. Use 'em."

Why? Why do these guys find me?

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple sweat pants & green sweatshirt. thought I was done?

Oh no. Not me.

This was a set-up of a former friend's boyfriend and me. We were at Yucatan's bar and Earl was my date. Yes...his name was Earl. Seriously. First...he was late. Really late. 3 hours late. By this time I had noticed one of the hot bag boys from Safeway where I worked was at the bar Jenna went.

Earl finally showed up wearing purple sweats and a green sweatshirt. AT A BAR!! I was dragged over to meet him. "Hi." I turned around and returned to Bag Boy. Hooo boy. Friend's boyfriend had a canniption fit. Started to scream at me how his friend had come out to meet me. Where was I? Dicking around with some other guy.

Okay...for the record, sitting on a guy's lap while doing shots of Sex on the Beach is not, in my books, classified as "dicking around".

"Look at him," I yelled in my drunken stupor laced with Drakaar Noir scented bag boy. "Yeah, he's dressed to impress me. Piss off."

Um...yeah. Things went downhill from there as Sweats Boy called me names of the "ho" variety. Me...sweet little me! Friend yelled at me. Bag Boy wandered off with some buxom blonde and Jenna got in a cab, going home...alone.

Damn it. Earl had to die.

10:51 PM  

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