Saturday, December 31, 2005

Darragha's Naughty Bits

SEx ... Silver Expressions

So, darlings...what did you accomplish in 2005 and what are you putting off until 2006? It's the eve of a new year...the time when so many of us reflect and plan. To quote Rameses from the movie, "The Ten Commandments" SO LET IT BE WRITTEN, SO LET IT BE DONE!

The first three posters shall receive one of my ebooks. Such lucky people.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning or afternoon. I saw my first book published. And, two more contracts. Yah!!

Now I've set my sights on hot, sexy novels. I've finished my first and have three more started. I'd like to get some of those published. (I know a great publisher...) :)

Other than that, I'd like to declutter my life. I took a course in 2005 and will implement it in 2006.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

I'm having a heck of a time getting a jpg to load! And it's so pretty!

12:59 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

I took a Feng Shui for writers class and have completely revamped my office. It's gorgeous and the "chi" is flowing in all the right directions.

I wish I had another 2 weeks off work! I'm enjoying my "new space."

I wrote well, loved well and held my ground in 2005.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We actually took the same class. I haven't put it to use yet. I did clear away some clutter and things feel better already.


2:23 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

Darragha's husband here.

She said she can't play with me because she is the guest blogger. I had no idea what she was talking about, and that frightened me. My wife is blogging? Without me?

I think I'm going to go pet the cat under a blanket now.


2:26 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

My poor husband is so confused.

About that Feng Shui for writers...I have taken the Bagua Map and made it my own. It's amazing--and the daughter and I had a blast shopping for art papers and fabric to redo my office. She's redone her bedroom, too!

I'll post before and after photos at some point. The 'before' photos are scary.

Something about holidays that makes me crazy is the lack of time to write! Today, it's spend time sorting the wardrobe and folding laundry or working on "The Mooncusser." I'd rather write. However, my Feng Shui-ness will go out the window if I don't get the clothes folded and put away. Grrrrr....good thing my new heroine, "Vesper" is a good sport!

2:29 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

It took me awhile, but I finally got the Tristan and Isolde photo uploaded.

For a computer geek, I am sometimes so inept!

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the picture of Tristan and Isolde. I agree, it's very romantic!

My goal is to de-clutter our house that we've lived in for 33 years. I started this year trying to get rid of things, but there is just so much stuff in our house. A lot of it is furniture that two of our kids brought back home when they graduated college. When they moved out, they didn't have room for it, so it's stored here. Now another one of our adult children is moving back home with us, so I need to clean out her old room and take out the stuff I put in it when she moved out! It's amazing the way stuff can accumulate over the years - But this year I am determined to get rid of a lot of things!

Happy New Year!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

Clutter is a problem, yes. I'm kind of working on the phrase: if you haven't used it/touched it/worn it in (pick your favorite time span), out it goes. Another is: for every one thing you bring in, two things go out.

Paper is my biggest problem. Lots of paper...all over the place. To tame my paper tiger, I'm in the process of developing a system geared to work for me. I'm designing around my habits instead of trying to change my habits to fit a design!

I walk into the house, hang my purse on a rack, take off my jewelry and set the mail down on the old dry-sink.

I've placed a mail sorter box on the dry-sink and the shredder beside it. I also moved a chair to that area of the room. Now I can sort the mail, shred the crap and stop creating "piles of paper" all around the house.

Ummmm....I'm going to actually open the mail, too. I go for weeks without opening things. Of course, I'm the one who overpaid the garbage bill by 300.00, too.

In 2006 I'm going to pay attention.

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm a piler. I was a bit disturbed by "one thing comes in two go out." As good as I'm doing on clearing out the clutter and prioritizing.

I find that the more I go over my shelves and places I store stuff the more I throw away or recycle.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

One things comes in. Two go out.

It's like: Two men enter. One man leaves. Welcome to another edition of Thunderdome!

My husband hired a friend of mine to *make* me clean out a bunch of boxes. A brutal task master she is. She's the one who drilled into me: One thing comes in. Two go out. Now, choose!

She literally forced me to get the attic and storage units cleaned out.

I love my piles of paper. My little paper tigets purr so sweetly to me...

:) Happy New Year!

6:52 PM  
Blogger Amie Stuart said...

Happy new Year Darragha!! I cna't find my 2005 list. i think my goal for 2006 is simple--write (please god *whimper*)

8:47 PM  

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