How do you get your story ideas?
I imagine every writer hears that question from time to time. It makes me shudder. Oh, no. How do I answer that? Tell her I dream them sometimes, say that it's just the way my crazy mind works, or lie and say I get them from the news? There's no simple answer. So, here's a few of my convoluted but honest ones.
1) I was daydreaming about this sinfully delicious desert my friend makes called Death by Chocolate. As I'm rubbing my tummy and thinking mmmmm... my eyes land on a book by Delilah Devlin. Thus "Death by Delilah" popped into my head as a title and a Halloween story followed.
2) Another friend was sharing her bad day with me. She was enjoying a fair, just walking along, happily chatting with her mother when suddenly, wham, she fell in a hole and twisted her ankle. Her mortification was tripled when the ambulance showed up carrying a hot EMT. After chuckling about my friend being "top-heavy" my book Heaving Bosoms was born.
3) About a week ago on a writers' loop, I was bemoaning my need to write a love scene when I wasn't in the mood. I just could get into it. Other writers shared their "tricks of the trade" and offered me a whole arsenal of mood changing advice. Yet another writer was lurking and told us all a few days later she had found a story idea out of our conversation! Should be a humginger! LOL.
1) I was daydreaming about this sinfully delicious desert my friend makes called Death by Chocolate. As I'm rubbing my tummy and thinking mmmmm... my eyes land on a book by Delilah Devlin. Thus "Death by Delilah" popped into my head as a title and a Halloween story followed.
2) Another friend was sharing her bad day with me. She was enjoying a fair, just walking along, happily chatting with her mother when suddenly, wham, she fell in a hole and twisted her ankle. Her mortification was tripled when the ambulance showed up carrying a hot EMT. After chuckling about my friend being "top-heavy" my book Heaving Bosoms was born.
3) About a week ago on a writers' loop, I was bemoaning my need to write a love scene when I wasn't in the mood. I just could get into it. Other writers shared their "tricks of the trade" and offered me a whole arsenal of mood changing advice. Yet another writer was lurking and told us all a few days later she had found a story idea out of our conversation! Should be a humginger! LOL.
Monster, I mean Cyndi, great interview with Christy!
Hi Cyndi! I can readily identify with the sometimes weird and wacky ways writers get inspiration. My book "Mr. Grey and the Hotel Ghosts" originated as a scenario for a horror/supernatural rpg I wrote and ran for my group years ago. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it, and the memory of the storyline stayed in my mind until I just HAD to write it down in novel form.
My other book, "The Ninth Wave," came in part from a Kate Bush album.
The fantasy writer Terry Pratchett speaks of "inspiration particles" like neutrinos, zipping through the galaxy until they impact a receptive mind. I can well believe it's true...
*waving* to Cyndi; love the ocean scented items.
I love that you have your picture on your website(and in the link section the pictures of other authors) as this gives us more of an idea who you (and they) are. It brings us, the reader, more into your world.
Thank you kindly, Cyndi! Mr. Grey and the Hotel Ghosts was released by LSB earlier this month. The next in what I hope will be a series featuring the same characters is Spirit from the Sky, which is on Raven's desk for approval as we speak.
MmmMm! Ocean scent! I live by the sea, and there's nothing so evocative as the smell of the sea breeze.
My Muse is a wicked, wicked man. He pops ideas into my head all the time. I quickly right them down. Most recently, however, my daughter gave me an idea for a romance...and I think it will work quite nicely as an addition to my Heavensex or Shadow Lover series.
Here's one thing: I'm standing in the grocery store looking at frozen veggies. Oh, joy. Choosing that which will fill my freezer. I spotted a bag of "Italian Cut Green Beans." Well...a whole young adult novel outline popped out of that. The daughter of a food processor mogol falls in love with a hunky Italian line worker. An Italian who cuts green beans...and there's a ghost in the factory. Great huh? LOL!
Hi Cyndi. I've always been in awe of authors and how they make their stories and their characters so alive and real. It's truely an amazing talent that allows the reader to escape to story's world.
Checked out your site and enjoyed reading about your books. lol, Dyana from your free story Author, Author was funny. :)
I love reading how different writers come up with ideas for their books. "The Pilot and the Pinup" was born out of a thought...What if EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) and the RWA (Romance Writers of America) held a meeting at the same time?
Other WIP's I have come from secondary characters who are desperate for their own story.
Many times it's a catchy title that prompts a story for me.
Every writer is different...which is great otherwise all stories would be the same.
Wow, thanks so much. Doing the happy dance.
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