Friday, December 09, 2005

End of the Year Achievements

Okay, so it's the end of the year and we look back and see all that we accomplished...I just wanted to take a minute and talk about achievements and give all of you the chance to toot your own horns a bit.

What I achieved this year:

Five books published
2 novels completed
Became a the newsletter editor for my local RWA chapter
Became a cover artist
And learned a lot about the behind the scenes stuff that goes on at publishers

I think that is pretty amazing myself. LOL So what have you done this year and give yourself a pat on the back for every accomplishment. :)


Blogger Sherrill Quinn said...

Way to go, Sable! You rock.

My accomplishments so far this year (and I still hold out hope for a couple of things that are submitted but as of yet not responded to):

4 books accepted (to be pubbed in 06)--the most recent one here at LSB for Zodiac: Pisces.
3 novels and 1 novella completed (one submitted, two in the rewrite stage, one in the pre-rewrite stage)
Became co-editor of the newsletter and PRO liaison for my local RWA chapter
Became the pubbed contest coordinator for the Passionate Ink chapter

Whew. No wonder I'm so tired. :)

1:53 PM  
Blogger Darragha! said...

Five novels completed.
Two of them requested as fulls by Red Sage. Still waiting...
Third sent as a partial to Red Sage. Still waiting (it's a series).
One novel published by LSB (hooray!)
One novel about to be sent to LSB (hooray!)
Was asked to write for a second year for SheKnows Network (Low Carb Energy Magazine founder)


2:22 PM  
Blogger Dakota Cassidy said...

I got a boyfriend? That was a HUGE accomplishment. LOLLOL

I wrote 10 books

2-full length
All accepted
Got turned down by several NY pubs because my book didn't have the naughty in the first pages, but got some awesome feedback about my humor and have been asked to submit more :)

So, I plow on ahead. LOLLOL

Dakota :)

3:10 PM  
Blogger Vanessa Hart said...

I set a lot of lofty goals each year, but here's one I followed through on (with mixed results): I completed my first year as a CurvesĀ® member with 100 visits. Lost a grand total of 3 pounds and some inches. I'd hoped to lose 20 pounds, but I have a problem resisting chocolate.


4:24 PM  
Blogger Jaynie said...

Ok, you guys are making me tired lol.

I survived another year with 3 toddlers.
Edited some fabulous books
Put together a fab newsletter
Joined the blog world

...and made some wonderful online friends.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blogged when I vowed never to blog. Now I'm a blog crack addict whore (it's very ugly). Oh...achievements.

- 5 contracts. First one was here.
- entered in a contest in god knows how long (won
- finished several stories (thank gawd!! That's all I gotta say. 3 years is a loooong dry spell)
- I did not get fired at my job (sweet)
- I started Jenny Craig and just hit halfway last week (whoo...24 more pounds to go)
- conquered GoLive and created my website (ha! take that Adobe!)
- discovered I have no life (oh wait...not new)
- brainwashed my 1 year old nephew into thinking I am a goddess
- admitted that I am indeed a blog crack addict whore after denying it months ago (isn't that the road to recovery? Admitting you have a problem?)

2005 rocked. Sadly my lovelife seems to be the same as 2004, 2003, etc. Suck and ing.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Amie Stuart said...

>>Sadly my lovelife seems to be the same as 2004, 2003, etc. Suck and ing.

LOL Jenna me too.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Sable Grey said...

Congratulations to all!

Cece, lovelives are over rated


12:34 AM  
Blogger Meljprincess said...

I finally got that membership to the Y I always talked about. I'm kicking butt. Including my own. OWWWW!

9:36 AM  
Blogger Sable Grey said...

*grin* I won't know the definition of a diet until after the holidays.

12:14 AM  

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