Friday, December 16, 2005

Zodiac Sex Contest!!

How many of you know about the oh so fab Zodiac Series at Liquid Silver Books?

Wow, that many, day-am we are good!

Did you like the books? Do you have a fav? Did you know you get two great stories in each book?

You did? Good!

Moving right along to the contest ... oh, wait, did you know there is a website dedicated to The Zodiac Series?

HA! Got ya. If you haven't already checked it out, check it out! But, enter the contest first.

It's easy, trust me. When have I ever made a contest hard? Now if we were talking about a peni -- no we did that already. So'k, contest. Yes, I was going to give you the in's and out's for entering.

Here's what you do. Post a comment here at the blog and tell me how many signs there are in the Zodiac. (if you're having trouble, count the positions shown on the visual aid given in my last post.)

That's all. Easy as jumping through a hoop.

I'll pick a winner or two, maybe three later today and dig around in my goodie drawer to find the perfect prize. Don't be shy...enter this contest now.

No really, right now, because honest, when are you ever going to find another contest as easy as this one?


Blogger Nicole said...

Oh hmm..I'd imagine twelve. :-)

12:34 PM  
Blogger Lois said...

Hiya! :) I do believe that would be 12. . . :) Although I do believe I heard on tv somewhere that in actuality it's supposed to be 13, but don't remember that much on it. But I think you're looking for 12. :)


12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think thats 12..... buuuttt I'm sure they could get more creative and could make up a few more positions using other constilations!! LOL

1:00 PM  
Blogger Maureen said...

Hey, looks like twelve like the days of Christmas

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twelve fabulous mean twelve fabulous zodiac signs :D

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are 12 zodiac signs.


2:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, let's see... there are 12. I must say, I never found any of my zodiac predictions to be quite as stimulating as the poster lol!

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to take a wild guess and say there are twelve zodiac signs.


3:05 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Wowza Ladies,

You've all done a great job of guessing. So many correct answers LOL.

Keep the comments coming.


3:51 PM  
Blogger Estella said...

Twelve lovely zodiac positions--er signs.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are twelve signs. I can't imagine how I knew...I've read some of the Zodiac Books and I've even been to the website.


4:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

12! Great visual aid :-)

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 12.. :) of course, I would like to know where you got that image...:X Most Virgo's I know.. oh wait I am one, are more creative than that..:) Happy Holidays.


6:09 PM  
Blogger jennyowl said...

I have it on authority that it's 12.

6:26 PM  
Blogger For The Trees said...

Okay, I'll stand up and make the stupid observation.

There are 12 Zodiac signs, 13 if you count the one the esotericists want to add, and there are 12 Zodiacally-named books in the Hot-To-Trot book series.

But that can all change - overnight. Assuming the Zodiac series of Ooh-La-La hot romances sells like free sex on a Sunday morning, then the publisher is gonna be hard pressed (sorry about that pun) not to add to the series. Or at least start another series with Zodiacal references so readers will get the tie-in.

And THAT will mean there'll be a LOT more than 12 Zodiacal signs! Plus a buncha happy wealthy authors!

Mom! Good to see yo-

Sit down, Sonny! You haven't won anything in 17 and a half years. You have no business taking up these people's time. Sit down. Be QUIET.

Yes, Mom. But I was on a roll-

I'll get you on a roll. I'll bop you with one of your Aunt Susie's week-old rolls and you'll see stars!

Yes, Mom. Sorry, ladies.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...


I'm so proud of you all, such great guessers you are.

We have a few more hours before I announce the winners so hang in there.


6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are 12 zodiac signs even if my sign really sucks. not fun at all.

12:38 PM  

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